Owl Facts

1. There Are Over 200 Species Of Owls

The most commonly found species is the Great Horned Owl, which is well populated in both North and South America. 
One of the rarest owls in the world is the Blakiston’s Fish Owl.

2. A Group Of Owls Is Called A Parliament

If you see a group of owls together then they’re called a parliament.
This name stems from their “wise” and “intelligent” depictions throughout history. 

3. Owls Have Large Eyes And A Flat Face

An owls face appears flattered because of its dense feathers.
Their unusual face shape means that they have great hearing, as more sound is directed into their ears. 

Their large eyes mean that they pick up a lot of light rays.

4. Owls Have Powerful Talons

Owls have seriously strong talons.

In fact, their grip is around 10 times stronger than the average humans…yikes!
Because their talons are so strong and sharp most of their prey is killed instantly. 
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