Pigeon Facts

About Pigeons

Pigeons are birds that possess a firm body, short head and legs with grey feathers. Belonging to the bird’s clad Columbidae, these birds usually eat seeds and fruits. They are found almost all over the world but the most diverse variety of pigeons is known to be in the Indo-Malaya and Australasia eco zones.

Pigeon takes its name from a French word. This word was actually derived from a Latin word “Pipio” which means “peeping chick”. The young ones of Pigeons are called squabs. Although these birds are found commonly all over the world, still 10 species of pigeons have become extinct today. Read on to find out some more about this amazing bird.

Interesting Facts about Pigeons

1.Pigeons’ Age

Pigeons have been found in the art of old Mesopotamia (Iraq) which is around 3000 BC old. They have been with humans as long as the history dates back. They were first bred by the Sumerians of Mesopotamia.

2.Reference in Bible

Pigeons have been mentioned in the first Testament of Bible. These birds can be found in the story of “Noah and the dove of Peace”. They have also been mentioned in the New Testament with the Baptism of the Christ. Their Image is commonly used in the Christian art.

3.Pigeons in War

There have been many pigeons which have helped their respective armies at the time of war. A famous pigeon which saved the lives of thousands of people in the World War 2 was the famous G.I. Joe. It flew 20 miles in 20 minutes to convey a very important message. The bird was also awarded the “Dickin medal” for its bravery.
In World War I, “Cher Ami” saved lives of many. It achieved this goal by not only simply delivering an important message but also by dodging its way through poisonous gas to bring the message. Unfortunately, it was shot in the leg. However, the brave bird still managed to do the job. As a result, it was honored with the French ‘Croix de Guerre’.

4.The Messenger

Pigeons are the oldest known form of long distance communication. They have been used by almost all the famous civilizations to send messages to one another. The largest communication network of pigeons was set up in Syria and Persia in the 5th century BC. They have been used to send messages even in the war time. During peace time, the communications about any trade, games, Olympics or news was sent through pigeons. For this reason pigeons are set free at the beginning of the Olympics to symbolically thank this bird for the services it rendered in the past.

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