50 plants grown in India

 Are you interested in adding greenery to your home? Wondering which indoor plants are easiest to grow in the Indian climate?

Well, we present to you our our list of top 41 low maintenance indoor plants best suited for the Indian climate. These indoor plants are easy to tend to, brighten up your interiors and in the bargain, purify all that stale air and poisonous gases leaving you as fresh as a dewy daisy every day!

Here are 41 best easy to grow Indoor plants in India:

1. Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

Snake Plant Varieties

“Mother in law’s Tongue” as it’s commonly referred to, makes for an ideal indoor plant for several reasons. It’s ornamental value adds a dash of beauty to your house.

Snake plant requires minimal care and to top it all, has superior air purification qualities. It removes four out of five toxins and is counted among one of the few plants that also remove carbon dioxide at night.

In other words, it continues to clean the air in your house, even as you catch up on beauty sleep at night!

Different Varieties of Snake Plant: Hahnii, Silver queen, Black gold extreme, Laurentii, Black coral, Congo, seafoam, Robusta, Black Coral

Care Instructions For Growing Snake Plant Indoors
Snake plants are easy to maintain.

Light: Flourishes both under bright and low sunlight.

Soil: Can survive dry, poor soil conditions

Water: Take care not to over water as their roots are prone to rotting. In winter, water it only once in several months.

2. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

All of us crave to live a life filled with peace and contentment. Peace Lilly is an indoor plant that has become universally aligned with these aspirations. Bring it home today and let the elegant dark green leaves soothe your soul and the huge, fragrant flowers calm you down at the end of another stressful day! Plus, let the plant help you beat those allergies whilst it cleanses the air at your home of contaminants such as benzene and formaldehyde.

Buy Peace lilly plant now from our online nursery.

Indoor Plant, Peace Lilly in white ceramic pot

Different Varieties of Peace Lilly:Domino Peace Lily, Jetty Peace Lily, Little Angel Peace Lily, Patricia Peace Lily, Piccolino Peace Lily.

Care Instructions For Growing Place Lilly Plant Indoors

Peace Lilly plants are easy to grow and care.

Light: Lives best in shade; requires little sunlight.

Soil:Best left moist, needs watering if it goes dry.

Water: Needs to be Watered only once a week.

3. Aloe Vera (barbadensis)

Aloe Vera is also called the “Miracle plant”. There are good reasons for this. It’s renowned worldwide for having medicinal properties  that  rejuvenate, soothe and heal the human body.

Aloe is a stemless succulent plant with thick and fleshy leaves with serrated margins. While it grows wild in several tropical climates, it alsogrows indoor successfully as a potted plant. It is relatively resistant to most insect pestsWhich again means you don’t have to spend your time swatting away those pests from leaves and have a ready remedy at hand for those cuts, bruises and skin ailments!

Care Instructions For Growing Aloe Vera Plant Indoors

It requires a moderate level of care to ensure it doesn’t shrivel up with too much watering or burn out under too much sunlight.

Light: The plant requires bright, sunny conditions to grow well. It’s best if you place it under south or west facing windows.

Soil: Aloe requires well-drained sandy potting soil to grow well. Experts recommend to use commercially available packages of “cacti and succulent mix” to ensure excess water drains out easily. To help this process along, it’s better to use terracotta pots to grow aloe since they are porous.

Water: You need to bear in mind that since Aloe is a succulent plant like cacti, it does best under dry conditions. Aloe vera plants cannot tolerate standing water. Ensure that the pot is completely dry before you re-water.

4. Lucky bamboo plant ( Dracaena braunii)

Indoor Lucky Bamboo in glass Vase

The plant having a name starting with the word“ Lucky” itself is a dead giveaway!

You can find it everywhere in India; both at homes and at business places, since it is believed to bring happiness and prosperity in it’s wake.

The plant grows upto 2-3 feet in height and comes highly recommended by Feng Shui practitioners as well;  in Chinese, Lucky Bamboo is known as Fu Gwey Zhu. Fu signifyingluck and fortune, Gwey drawing power and honor, and Zhu denoting Bamboo.

According to Feng Shui, the positive effect of the Lucky Bamboo differs with the number of stalks tied together with each stalk representing different levels of prosperity and gains. Need we say any more?

Different Varieties: Sander’s dracaena, ribbon dracaena, lucky bamboo, curly bamboo, Chinese water bamboo, friendship bamboo

Care Instructions For Growing Lucky Bamboo Plant Indoors

Lucky Bamboo requires a moderate level of care. One of the critical things you would need to bear in mind, is that Lucky bamboo plantsneed to be placed clean water all the time. Since the plant is susceptible to chemicals ; any traces of  chlorine or fluoride in the water will end up affecting the leaves and turning them yellow or brown.

Light: As it cannot grow under direct sunlight, place it by a window for the plant to receive indirect sunlight.

Soil: Use well drained, rich potting soil.

Water: Water should be changed once in every 2 weeks. Also remember, the plant needs to stay moist but not soaking at all times.

5. Ferns ( Pteridophytes)

Boston Fern in a pot

Here’s a plant that was around on earth before you and your ancestors were even born!

Ferns are counted among one of the oldest species of plants on earth, dating back to prehistoric times. Ferns belong to a group of vascular seeds, that bear neither flowers nor seeds.

With alush green canopy of leaves, they provide your house with an ornamental value. In addition, they also remove chemical pollutants from the atmosphere and heavy metals especially arsenic, from the soil.

Different Varieties: Aglaonema Calypso, Aglaonema ‘Cecilia’, Aglaonema Emerald Beauty, Aglaonema ‘Golden Bay, Aglaonema Maria, Aglaonema Queen Juliana

Care Instructions For Growing Ferns Indoors

You would need to grow them in plastic pots instead of clay ones as they retain moisture better. Keep the plant away from vents and fans to prevent it from drying out. Add well loosened moss around the base of the plant to hold moisture in the dirt and prune them once in a while as well.

Light: As it flourishes in low light conditions, place the plant under a north or east facing window.

Soil: Needs to be moist and well drained. Pick a soil mix with a high organic content like a good peat moss mix.

Water:Water regularly, but watch for the warning signs; too much watering leaves the fronds yellow; too little and the fronds end up wilting.

6. Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema Commutatum) 


Here’s another plant to bring good luck your way!

Chinese evergreens are popular houseplants across Asia and for good reason too. Not only do they bring prosperity into the house but these perennial herbs are counted among the most durable houseplants you can ever grow. Theytolerate poor light, dry air and drought very well.

In other words, even if you travel around a lot or forget to water the plant or even if you live in not-so-sunny-places, the plant holds no grudges and continues to thrive!

They have lance-shaped leaves in shades of silver, gray, or shades of green.

Different Varieties of Chinese Evergreen: Button ferns, Maidenhair ferns, Holly ferns, Asparagus ferns and Staghorn ferns

Care Instructions For Growing Chinese Evergreen Plant Indoors

The only demand the plant makes from you is to protect it from extreme cold and excessive sunlight since it can tolerate neither. Also prune any inflorescence immediately to prolong the life of the plant and keep a watch out for pests as well.

Light: Low to medium light.

Soil: Needs to be evenly moist. Add only a small amount of fertilizer as the plants are easily injured when over supplemented.

Water: Since Chinese Evergreens need the soil to be evenly moist, you could opt for moderate watering. Allow the soil to dry out a bit in between the intervals.

7. Grape Ivy (Parthenocissus Tricuspidata)

Have a bare wall either vertically or horizontally that needs covering?

Then consider this plant;  it’s a climbing ornamental plant, that adds a touch of green and reduces your cooling costs  as well in the bargain! If you are wondering how it manages to stick to the wall, then here’s the answer; it secretes calcium carbonate which serves as a natural adhesive pad and enables Grape Ivy to attach itself to a wall without requiring additional support.

Again, it’s a sturdy plant tolerant to indoor growing conditions so won’t demand much from you in terms of care and therefore fits in perfectly well with your tight schedules!

Different Varieties of Grape Ivy: Amazon Vine, Angel Queen Grape Ivy, Ellen Danica Grape Ivy, Mandiana Grape Ivy, Striata Grape Ivy

Care Instructions For Growing Grape Ivy Plant Indoors

A moderate level of care is needed to maintain the plant’s colour and flourishing growth.

Light: Grape ivy grows well in low lights and thrives in temperatures ranging from 68-82 F

Soil:You would need to bear in mind that, since the roots require excellent aeration, a potting mixture of peat, bark, perlite, water, styrofoam and calcined clay will aid water retention and allow for excellent drainage.

Water: The plant requires a medium quantity of water since too much watering can lead to it’s leaves dropping off prematurely.

8. Flamingo flower (Anthurium)

Do you belong to those tribes of people who want to add a dash of color around the house and aren’t just looking for green plants?

Then Anthuriums are your answer. The leaves of this plant are clustered in shape and the inflorescence bears small flowers which come in several colors. The flowers are collected in a dense spiral on the spadix. You could also go for a climbing Anthurium to cover up a bare wall, in such a case be sure to provide the plant with a sturdy  totem pole to help it climb easily.

Different Varieties of Anthurium: Orange Anthurium, Obake Red Anthurium,Pink Anthurium, Black Anthurium, Purple Tulip Anthurium, Pigtail Anthurium

Care Instructions For Growing Anthurium Plant Indoors

Remember to wipe the leaves with water  every once in a while to remove dust and other insects. Also those plants growing in pots with good root systems will benefit from a weak fertiliser solution every other week.

Light: This plants require lower sunlight than other houseplants and thrives in temperatures between 16 -22 degrees Centigrade.

Soil: Moist soil with high organic matter.

Water: It all depends on where you live. If you live in hot and dry climates, make sure to mist the plant everyday and water every couple of  days. On the other hand, if you live in humid environments, you could easily go for a week or two without watering.

9. Areca palm (Dypsis lutescens)

Instead of simply adding another piece of furniture to cover that empty corner by the wall, why not go for this exotic-looking plant that can grow anywhere between 3 feet- 8 feet in height?

Areca Palm wins hands down as a choice for an indoor plant because it has multiple stems emerging from the base, arched green leaves in the shape of a butterfly ( hence also called “butterfly palm”), functions as a humidifier and what’s more, bears clusters of yellow flowers in summer to brighten up your home!

Different Varieties: Parlor Palm,Kentia Palm, Sentry Palm,Lady Palm, European Fan, Sago Palm

Care Instructions For Growing Areca Palm Indoors

You would need to follow a few simple tips to care for the plant. Make sure you neither under water or over water it and that there are no bursts of dry air.

Light: Since palms thrive in low- light conditions ,make sure to place the plant under a window or in partial shade.

Soil: You would need to go for a rich, acidic soil that drains well. Mix the soil up with a measure of builder’s sand to avoid the soil from becoming too heavy or clay like.

Water: Ensure that the plant does not sit water as root rot sets in easily. Also ensure that the water is chemical free else the leaves will develop freckle like spots.

10. Money Plant (Epipremnum aureum)

If only plants bore money as gifts on their leaves!

But since they do not, why not go for a plant where you can stretch your imagination a bit and visualize that the round, plump, flat leaves actually look like coins! It doesn’t harm the cause, that the plant is attractively leafy, requires little care, and efficiently removes indoor pollutants like formaldehyde and benzene.

Of course, the commonly held belief that while the plant thrives in your house, you will run neither short of money or friends definitely argues in its favor as well!

Different Varieties of Money Plant: Chinese money plant, Braided money tree plant, Silver dollar, Lunaria money plant, pilea

Care Instructions For Growing Money Plant Indoors

Place the plant away from drafts of wind since it can lead to leaf loss.  Since it thrives in humidity, you could consider placing it in a bright, steamy bathroom.

Light: Try to avoid direct sunlight, since the leaves can get scorched. Instead go for low light .

Soil:Since root rot sets in easily, ensure that you pick a sandy, peat moss based soil that also allows for good drainage of water.

Water: Whichever kind of environment you live in, you don’t need to water this plant more than once a week

11. Warneck Dracaena ( Dracaena deremensis ‘Warneckii’)

Here’s another fuss-free houseplant to clear the air of your house of pollutants such as xylene and toluene. The plant has a huge value attached to it because it successfully weathers every kind of condition well : low light, bright light, and even neglect!

Different Varieties: Dracena Marginata, Dracena Fragrans, Dracena Ricki, Dracena Reflexa

Care Instructions For Growing Dracaena Plant Indoors

A very low maintenance plant. However you would need to ensure that it is placed in a location which attracts low footfall, since the foliage can get damaged easily.

Light: Grows well in bright, filtered light but keeping it in the morning sun once in a while will keep it looking good.

Soil:use good potting soil but one which does not have too much fertiliser as excessive soluble salts and fluoride in water can cause yellow blotches, leaf tips and brown margins.

Water: Water this rugged plant approximately once a week with tepid water when the soil feels slightly dry. You could do a light misting two or three times a week.

12. Heart leaf philodendron ( Scandens oxycardium)

So there are several plants to cover the walls or empty spaces in your home as mentioned above. But how about one to adorn an empty table or desk?

Why not do it with this love tree? ( the literal name of this plant in Greek!). It has dark green, shiny heart-shaped leaves which look great on a tabletop or even as a hanging plant. It has several other factors going for it as well; it thrives on neglect, is impossible to kill, and removes toxins from the air as well!

Different Varieties: Philodendron Oxycardium green, Philodendron Scandens Aureau

Care Instructions For Growing Philodendron Plant Indoors

Since the plant grows quite fast, it would require quite a bit of

plant food. You would also need to prune the plant regularly to ensure it looks full, not leggy.

Light: Since the plant thrives in medium and high light, place it under a bright shade, but never under direct sunlight.

Soil: Moist  soils with high organic matter are the best bet. You could also add fertilisers sparingly in spring and summer months but not during winters.

Water: You would need to ensure that the plant is moist, not soggy. A simple barometer to check if you are watering correctly are the leaves. Yellow means too much & brown leaves mean too little

13. Azalea (Rhododendron Simsii)

Here’s a popular, fragrant flowering shrub that has always signaled the oncoming arrival of the spring season. A flower that blooms in a multitude of colors, is renowned for its beauty and immortalized in the poetry of a prominent Chinese poet, Du Fu of the Tang dynasty!

Plant these lovely blooms at home and you will be in august company. Azalea festivals are held in Japan, Hong Kong, Korea, and the USA which draw hundreds and thousands of visitors each year.

Different Varieties: Azalea ‘Northern Hi-Lights’, Azalea ‘Encore’ Series, Azalea ‘Lemon Lights’, Azalea ‘Hot Shot’

Care Instructions For Growing Azalea Plant Indoors

The plant by itself requires minimal care, but you need to be aware of the fact that both the leaves and flower are highly toxic.

Light: The cooler the room, the longer the bloom! Make sure the plant is never placed in direct sunlight, else the buds would fall off.

Soil: Plant the shrub in a soil rich with peat moss and in a clay pot which allows for good drainage.

Water: Immerse the plant in water for a minute in water once or twice a week.

14. Green Spider Plan(Chlorophytum Comosum)

Looking for an indoor plant that is exceptionally easy to care for? A plant whose leaves can add a dash of contrast to your home? Then look no further.

Spider plants have leaves that look like blades of grass with streaks of different colors either in the center or at the edges. In fact, if this is your first brush with houseplants, this plant would be the ideal choice for you to get started off on this journey!

Different Varieties: Bonnie Spider Plant, Hawaiian Spider Plant, Variegated Bonnie Spider Plant, Zebra Grass Spider Plant

Care Instructions For Growing Spider Plant Indoors

Spider plant is extremely easy to care for.

Light: You can grow this plant anywhere except under direct sunlight. In fact, it even grows under artificial lighting!

Soil: Any good potting mix should serve the purpose.

Water: A good thumb of rule is to water this plant regularly only with tepid water throughout the summer months and to ensure the soil is evenly moist. In winters, you could allow the soil to dry out before the next watering.

15. Gerbera Daisy

The fifth most popular flower in the world. One that has showy, long-lasting blooms that denote innocence, purity, and cheerfulness and that comes in a variety of colors to brighten up each day. That’s a Gerber Daisy for you.

In fact, Gerbera daisies have come to denote our feelings and are sent out as gifts on many special occasions to congratulate, express thankfulness or even greet others on birthdays!

Different Varieties: Salmon pink gerbera daisy, Gerbera jamesonii Transvaal daisy, Gerbera Red, Transvaal daisy, Pink gerbera daisy

Care Instructions For Growing Gerbera Plant Indoors

They require a moderate level of care but if you are able to provide the right growing conditions, they will easily survive for a couple of years.

Light: They require an unusual combination of bright light and moderate temperature. So you could place it out in the morning sunlight and keep it back inside in the afternoons.

Soil:You could look for average to rich soils which must have good drainage else the plant will dry out quickly.

Water:Water when the top soil feels dry to the touch in summers and water sparingly during winters.

16. Weeping Fig (Ficus Benjamina)

Don’t go by the common name! It’s the official tree of Bangkok and as a houseplant is renowned for its elegant growth and can easily withstand poor growing conditions and rid your home of formaldehyde gases.

Care Instructions For Ficus Benjamina Plant Indoors

You would need to prune the plant regularly since it can grow too large and also protect it from drafts of wind since it is sensitive to cold. Another important factor is this plant can function as a source of allergies so do a quick check before you go for it.

Light: The plant does well both in bright sunlight as well as in shade.

Soil: Any well draining soil should suffice.

Water:Water regularly through the summer months a sparingly in winters.

17. Croton (Codiaeum Variegatum)

Do you feel your living room looks pale, drab or dull? Want your kids to join you at the dining table for food and some heart-to-heart chats? Then let croton with its bright yellow, orange, red, and even black foliage spruce it up for you. You could always grow the plant in a colorful pot to add to the charm!

Different Varieties: Petra Crotons, Banana Crotons,Gold Dust crotons, broad leaf croton,  oak leaf croton

Care Instructions For Growing Croton Plant Indoors

Be careful not to overwater the plants plus having a humidifier handy would help.

Light: Place it under an east or west facing window where there’s bright light to let those leaves develop those rich, deep hues.

Soil: Since the plant require rich soil that drains well to thrive, make sure its well fed with organic compost and peat moss.

Water: Water only when the soil feels dry to touch.

18. Indian Basil (Ocimum Tenuiflorum)

It’s been grown in India from as far back as 5,000 years. No wonder then, that Indians harbor a deep cultural and religious attachment with the plant from time immemorial. In fact in the Ayurvedic approach to medicine, it has been revered for its medicinal properties in curing several diseases; dried leaves have also been used as mosquito repellents for centuries.

On the other hand , Italian & southeast Asian cuisines extensively utilise basil as a culinary herb to add flavour to dishes!

Different Varieties:Dark Opal Basil, Thai Basil, Cinnamon Basil, Rama Tulsi, Krishna Tulsi, Vana Tulsi

Care Instructions For Growing Tulsi Plant Indoors

Pinch the tops of the plant and nip the flower buds to help the plant to grow bushier. Also ensure to keep an eye out to pluck wilted or old leaves.

Light:Since the plant thrives in sunlight, you could place it under  the sun for at least 4 hours each day.

Soil:The plant needs to be grown in fertile soil with a ph level of around 6-7.5.

Water:You would need to water the plant when the top soil feels dry; avoid watering during monsoons and sparingly in winters.

19. Lavender (Lavandula)

A flower that adds color, fragrance, repels insects, is good for your beauty regimen all at one go; that’s lavender for you. It may not fall under the traditional houseplant category, yet the benefits far outweigh any qualms you have;  especially since the plant thrives in sunny climes like India!

Different Varieties:French lavender, English lavender, Canary Island lavender,fern leaf lavender

Care Instructions For Growing Lavender Plant Indoors

Place it on a windowsill or a ledge to get the plant to grow as near to the sun as possible. Also bear in mind that to avoid root rot from setting in, the pot for the plant needs to be only an inch or two larger than the rootball itself.

Light: Thrives in bright sunlight.

Soil: Ensure that the bottom of the pot contains an inch or two of limestone gravel topped with a basic soilless mix. Blending a tablespoon of lime into the osil will give that alkaline edge, the plant needs.

Water:Water sparingly and pull back during winter months; growing lavender in a terracotta pot would be your best bet.

20. Ladies’ Slipper Orchid (Cypripedioideae)

If you thought you would need to trek through exotic foreign locales or woods to view an orchid, then you haven’t met our showcased houseplant, Ladies Slipper Orchid! The plant by itself, has only 1 set of 2 leaves from which a single flower stalk grows out; the entire appearance being that of a ladies slipper, hence the name!

Different Varieties: Pink lady slipper, Yellow lady slipper, Showy lady’s slipper,White lady’s slipper

Care Instructions For Growing Lady’s Slipper Orchid Plant Indoors

Moderate to ensure the soil is well aerated and moist and to feed the plant is fed with a diluted & balanced fertiliser once or twice between the spring and summer months.

Light: Avoid exposure from both direct sunlight and direct sunlight.

Soil: Soil needs to be well aerated

Water:Water only with distilled water or rainwater to avoid any chemicals from seeping through.

21. Jade Plant (Crassula Ovata)

Looking for an extremely low-maintenance plant that can be grown in India? The Jade plant is a great choice. It is also commonly known as friendship tree, money tree, and lucky plant. It is widely believed to bring good luck to its owners.

Jade plant requires little watering and can grow easily under extreme drought conditions. During winters, it needs to be waterer monthly. Just keep this plant near windows and forget about it. You may need to water it weekly during summers if kept indoors.

22. ZZ Plant: Zamioculcas Zamiifolia

ZZ plant is a fantastic plant that can be grown easily in the Indian indoor environment. ZZ plant would be a stunning addition to your home. It has elegant shiny leaves that really contrast well with the interiors. ZZ Plant derives its name from its botanical name Zamioculcas zamiifolia.

It can withstand a wide range of temperature variations and can withstand low light conditions. It is tolerant to neglect and can survive infrequent watering schedules.

Though they can survive in extreme conditions, the ZZ plant thrives well when given ample indirect sunlight. Use well-drainage soil and keep it moderately moist.

It can be easily be propagated using its root balls or leaf cuttings.

23. Sedum morganianum (Donkey tail, Burro’s tail)

Donkey tail succulent

Sedum morganianum is one of the most beautiful succulent plants that add an exotic touch to the place where it is present. The succulent is most often called by the name donkey tail it is characterized by the compact arrangement of bulged pointed leaves which are sequentially arranged on a thin trailing stem.

Donkey tail succulent with minimal care can do wonders to provide that desert touch to your landscape. Whosoever is planting this succulent is required to keep some patience, as the burrow’s tail requires quite a time to grow.

When it comes to caring for this succulent, the plant is very sturdy and can withstand most adverse conditions. One needs to take minimal care of this plant by providing the plant with partial shade, less watering, and well-drained soil. The succulent can add amazing texture to the place where it resides and lives happily in a hanging basket with its protruding stems out of the basket.

24. Fiddle leaf-fig plant

Looking for a tree with broad, big glossy-like leaves arranged on a thin trunk? Your search ends here.

The fiddle leaf fig plant is fetching a great demand for itself nowadays because of its elegance and beauty. The plant can add style and drama to the dull space or the corner of your room. This classy plant requires very little care and can thrive with just partial indirect light falling from the window.

Growing tall with its dark green violin-shaped, glossy leaves perfectly arranged on a minimalistic thin trunk is the topmost preference for all interior designers. This plant is very sturdy and provides natural fresh air by absorbing all the toxic chemicals present indoors and thus aids in better sleeping. The plant requires well-drained soil with a wet atmosphere and high humidity to grow healthier.

25. String of Pearl Plants (Senecio Rowleyanus)

Senecio rowleyanus (String of pearls)
Senecio rowleyanus (String of pearls)

You could go for a variety of plants to make your interiors look bright and beautiful. One of them is the String of Pearls Plant.

These succulent plants are a great indoor collection and are one of the easiest to grow in any weather condition. They belong to the family of Senecios that are stringed beady plants, great for indoors.

They do really well as a houseplant because they tolerate and thrive in dry indoor air spaces.

In other words, it continues to render a subtle and beautiful ambiance to our homes with its flowing tresses of green strings.

Instructions for growing String of Pearls Plant:

Light: They need bright indirect or direct light, however, you need to take care that you do not place them near a glass door or window. It does not need heat throughout the day.

Water: They do not require too much water as the roots will rot. In summers water them every fortnight and during winters once a month.

Temperature: They like to have warm conditions in summers and cooler ones in winter. It is not difficult to grow them due to this reason.

26. Bunny Ear Cactus (Opuntia Microdasys)

Indoor Bunny ear cactus

These adorable, yet prickly plants are a great indoor addition. If you have children, it is best to keep them high up, since their thorns are small and not so welcoming. As desert plants, Bunny Ear Cactus is great to adorn dry indoor spaces. They do not require too much maintenance and can be easily taken care of.

They are native to Mexico regions but have made their way through to different parts of the world. They are also called Polka Dot cactus because of dotted yellow glochids on their green surface.

They make a great houseplant because of its easy to maintain reasons.

Instructions for growing Bunny Ear Cactus:

Light: Requires full sunlight, except during winter months. It’s a great addition to have near your window or door.

Water: During its initial time as a potted plant, it requires to be watered very regularly to strengthen its root system. Once the roots are strong, you can water it occasionally during summers and less in winters.

Temperature: It needs hot to humid climate to thrive. Extremely arid conditions may see it wither away. However, it is best to take care of it all year round, with little to do in winters. Resume proper care spring onwards.

27. Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

money plant, Pothos

A trailing leafy vine that adds aesthetic value to your home, Pothos is a great indoor houseplant to have! Its leaves are heart-shaped bright green and waxy in texture and vary in colors ranging from pale green, white or yellow.

They are also known as Devils’ Ivy and can be easily grown indoors. They are excellent in purifying the air in your home and take in carbon dioxide even while you sleep. Pothos does not require too much maintenance and can be used to adorn office spaces as well as homes.

Varieties of Pothos plants:

There are namely three types of Pothos plants- Golden Pothos, Marble Queen, and Jade Green. There isn’t much difference in these varieties, except for the size and color of their leaves.

Instructions for growing Pothos plant indoors:

Light: They can thrive from low to moderate light conditions and are absolutely easy to take care of.

Water: Overwatering may result in rotting of the roots. Their soil needs to be moist but not soggy.

Temperature: They can survive in almost all weather conditions; however, being tropical plants humid weather works best for them.

28. Dragon Tree (Dracaena Marginata)

Dracaena Marginata

The Dragon Tree houseplant is an excellent collection for your indoor plants as they have a tough root system and can survive under almost any condition. They are extremely easy to grow indoors and look absolutely gorgeous because of their colorful foliage.

They act as natural purifiers and grow up to 6 feet in length. It is advisable to keep it away from pets and children because of its toxic nature.

Varieties of Dragon Tree plants

The most commonly found and used dragon tree plants come in three varieties namely-

Tricolour leaves, which has green leaves with red margins a thin white strip in the middle; Bicolour leaves with green and red stripes;
Single colour basic leaf with dark green leaves with thin red margins.

Instructions for growing Dragon Tree plant indoors:

Light: They survive best in moderate to low sunlight. Do not keep them in full sunlight as their leaves tend to dry very soon.

Water: As an indoor plant, the Dragon tree does not require too much water. Moistening the topsoil, rather than, topping it with water ensures that it lasts longer.

Temperature: They need moderate temperature to thrive well.

29. Prayer Plant (Maranta leuconeura)

Prayer plants make an amazing addition to your collection of indoor houseplants. They have dark green leaves with light green/white and red stripes running down their spine. This plant gets its unique name because of the unique nature of its leaves. They fold in an upright position at night, resembling that of folding hands in prayer.

There are various varieties of Prayer Plants, namely ranging from 40 to 50 species of the same. Each has different characteristics but has a distinct similarity of spines that are visible at the center.

They are slightly more difficult to tend to than their contemporaries Pothos or Snake plants.

Instructions for growing Prayer plants indoors:

Light: They are intolerant of direct sunlight and hence it is better to give them indirect sunlight filtered through windows. They are quite tolerant of low light areas.

Water: These gorgeous beauties do not like to be kept dry. During summer it is advisable to water them every once a week; however, in winters you can reduce watering it. Do not overwater the soil in fear of killing the roots.

Temperature: They thrive best in humid conditions. Keep it properly hydrated if you are growing it in dry weather conditions.

30. Rubber Plant (Ficus Elastica)

Indoor Rubber Plant

Rubber Plants serve as great decorative plants indoors and add a lot of aesthetic value to your home. Growing them is not as difficult as it seems. Though they can grow into full-length trees if kept in your gardens, they are easy to tend to indoors as well.

It is better to get them while they are still small, to help them adapt to your home conditions. Keeping them in small pots restricts their growth as their roots do not have too much space to spread, thus making them ideal houseplants.

Instructions to grow rubber plants indoors:

Light: Rubber plants quite enjoy a lot of bright light, but not direct sunlight. A spot in the house that is shielded from direct sunlight works well with them!

Water: Their water requirements vary seasonally. In summer months, they like their soil to be kept moist with regular misting; during winters or as autumn sets in, they require less water every couple of weeks to keep it from wilting.

Temperature: They require moderate temperature to thrive well. If the temperature becomes too hot or drops too low, it might affect the growth of the rubber plant.

31. Hawaiian Umbrella Tree Bonsai (Schefflera arboricola)

Schefflera arboricola, Hawaiian Umbrella plant

The Hawaiian umbrella tree is most commonly known as the dwarf umbrella tree. It is native to Southeast Asia as well as Australia. Its thin trunks and shrub-like appearance make it easy to grow indoors and tend to as well.

Growing Bonsais is quite an art and with the help of tutorials, you can absolutely master the methods well.

They can tolerate low humidity and low light, hence thrive as houseplants. It is best to keep it out of reach of children and pets due to the presence of calcium oxalate. If consumed in high quantities, it may cause digestive repercussions.

Instructions to grow Hawaiian umbrella tree bonsai:

Light: They require low to moderate light and hence serve as excellent additions to houseplants.

Water: They like their soil to be kept moist all the time. It is best to take caution during winter months to not let the soil dry out completely.

Temperature:Moderate temperature works really well for these plants. Bonsai is nothing but a shorter version of a really big tree. It is best to keep it in humid conditions for it to thrive.

32. Grafted Ficus Bonsai (Ginseng)

Grafted Ficus Bonsai

The Ficus is a popular breed of tropical and evergreen trees. There are over 600 species of Ficus worldwide. Most Ficus are fast growers and hence prove to be excellent for novice gardeners.

The Ficus “Ginseng” plants have fat trunks with substantially exposed roots, which give the tree an extremely tropical look. Their stocky structure makes it an extremely appealing addition to your collection of Bonsais at home.

Instructions to grow a Grafted Ficus Bonsai indoor:

Light: These plants thrive in high light, but can do fairly well in lowlighting surroundings too. Like Bonsai’s, the Ficus also loves to get its share of sunlight to keep its roots strong and healthy.

Water: Keep your Grafted Ficus moderately watered as they are prone to root rot with the presence of excessive water. It is ideal to keep these plants in shallow trays with small stones inside it. The natural water evaporation creates a natural habitat for these bonsais.

Temperature: These plants are excellent to keep in areas with low or less draft. They do not like direct high drafts as it affects the branches and trunk. Keep them in warm weather and see them thrive better.

33. Asparagus Fern (Asparagus aethiopicus)

Asparagus fern

These gorgeous-looking plants are an absolute delight to have indoors. With a grass-like structure and soft hanging spurs, the Asparagus Fern is quite easy to grow indoors. It grows very quickly; hence one has to take care of overgrowth.

Although they resemble a soft bushy fur, their spurs are quite prickly and it is best to cover your hands while handling them. It can adorn your window like a creeper set to cover your curtain rods.

Asparagus ferns are known for their gorgeous white flowers and small red berries. It is best to keep it out of reach from children.

Instructions for planting Asparagus fern indoors:

Light: Indirect or filtered sunlight works best for them. Exposing them to direct sunlight will see it wilt or wither away.

Water: The soil of the fern needs to be kept moist at all times. Do not overwater them as the roots will tend to rot. You need to water them every several weeks during winters.

Temperature: Asparagus ferns like tropical and humid weather. Although, humid weather works best for these ferns; during extreme summers, it is best to keep them in a shaded area to avoid direct sun exposure.

34. Lemon Button Fern (Nephrolepis cordifolia “Lemon Buttons”)


Lemon buttons ferns are named so because of their rounded leaves as well as short and demure stature. They are one of the most easily available houseplants and can be planted without any difficulty.

These cute and dainty-looking ferns make an excellent addition to your indoor plants. They can also be planted as terrariums to make your home look bright and full. They act as natural purifiers and remain evergreen if taken care of properly. Their leaves give out a soft lemony scent once crushed.

They are perfect to adorn your door, windows, or even your living room.

Instructions for growing lemon button fern indoors:

Light: They do not require direct sunlight. They will thrive in indirect or filtered sunlight.

Water: You have to ensure that the lemon button fern does not get overwatered or soggy. They need moist soil, mostly the top layer, to be well watered. If the roots get soggy it will wither away.

Temperature: They need subtropical or tropical climate or weather conditions. Relatively high humidity serves their growth well.

35. Paddle Plant (Kalanchoe thyrsiflora)

Paddle plants are quaint-looking houseplants with paddle-shaped leaves. They are short in structure and can be easily potted in small pots. Their red-tinged leaves give it an excellent look and adorn your home beautifully.

They have a variety of names, but the most common is Flapjack Plant and Desert Cabbage. These plants are native to the South African Crassulaceae plant family and make excellent houseplants.

If you have a penchant for greens, they are definitely the ones to invest in!

Instructions for growing Paddle Plant indoors:

Light: They grow best in bright sunlight; however, you have to be careful to not expose to too much heat. They thrive in bright summer months.

Water: Their watering properties are similar to that of cactus and hence it is best to not put too much water in them. Have a proper drainage at the bottom for excess water to flow. Keep the soil moist but not soggy.

Temperature: They are easy to grow in dry indoor spaces that have good amount of heat filtering in. You have to ensure that they receive enough air during stiff winters.

36. Dumb Cane (Dieffenbachia)

Dieffenbachia is a simple green leafed plant that is easy to plant indoors and take care of. It belongs to the Araceae tropical flowering plant group of plants. These plants are widely used by households to adorn their living rooms or patios because of their aesthetics.

The Dieffenbachia is one of the easiest to grow indoors and probably a good way to start indoor gardening. One has to take great precautions while planting a Dieffenbachia indoors. They have poisonous leaves and one bite can easily paralyze a person. Keep it away from the reach of children and pets.

Instructions for growing Dieffenbachia or Dumb Cane indoors:

Light: It is best to place these plants where there is minimal lighting. They thrive really well under indirect filtered light. Bright sun light will kill the leaves very soon.

Water: These plants like plenty of water because it’s tropical nature. They grow best in under humid conditions. It is best to water them really well during summers but not to an extent that you kill its roots. During winters they do not require too much watering.

Temperature: They like humid and hot weather. It is best to plant them in spring time to ensure that they grow well during summer months.

37. Radiator Plant (Peperomia)

Peperomia Argyreia

Peperomia makes an attractive addition to your collection of houseplants. They are not too difficult to tend to and maintain. Their green and slightly brown stem give them a beautiful texture.

There are over 1000 peperomias in existence and belong to the “Pepper Family”. However, the most popular ones are- watermelon peperomia, heart peperomia with heart-shaped leaves, peperomia obtusifolia, minima, etc. These varieties are easily available and can be grown without any hurdles.

They look absolutely gorgeous when hung in baskets as their leaves tend to flow down, giving them a very succulent look. The leaves of these plants are quite poisonous and have to keep away from pets and children.

Instructions for growing Peperomia indoors:

Light: It is best to keep these plants away from direct sunlight as they prefer indirect and filtered sunlight. Their leaves are unable to sustain well under direct sunlight.

Water: Another great reason to have them as a houseplant, especially if you are lazy gardener, is that they can do well without too much water. They require water sparingly.

Temperature: They prefer humid and tropical temperature. Keeping them indoors where you have enough heating and dry air spaces works well with them.

38. Calathea

Calathea undulata

These are great indoor plants, apt for office spaces as well as households. Their green and white bold prints on leaves have earned it the nickname of cathedral plant, peacock plant,  zebra plant, and rattlesnake plant.

Calatheas do not require too much space to grow and can be maintained very easily. They belong to the tropical Marantaceae family of herb plants. Their bright green leaves are a treat to sore eyes.

There are a variety of Calathea plants available and commonly used for indoor planting purposes. Some of them are,


You can also make them into a wall of Calathea plants to make your living space come alive.

Instructions for growing Calathea plant indoors:

Light:They do not light bright sunlight, like other indoor plants. Exposing them to indirect sunlight helps Calatheas grow well. Direct sunlight will make them lose their texture and colour.

Water: It is best to only dampen the soil or keep it moist with little water rather than completely drying up its roots. Make the soil soggy and you have a high chance of losing your gorgeous indoor beauty!

Temperature: Most indoor plants are tropical plants and do well with moderate to humid weather conditions. A drop in temperature will see its leave curl up, giving them little hope for revival.

39. Kalanchoe


Kalanchoes are bright and vibrant flowering plants with gorgeous tiny flowers blooming all year round. They are extremely easy to plant and maintain, making them an excellent indoor plant attraction.

If you are looking for a gift for your loved one, this is a perfect gift to give away. These succulent plants have clusters of colorful flowers that make your home brighten up instantly.

It is best to keep Kalachoe away from children and pets at the leaves and flowers may have toxicity that is harmful to their body. Hang them from the ceiling in baskets or place them in small pots on the window sill to see them grow beautifully.

Instructions for growing Kalanchoe indoors:

Light: They do not like too much bright sunlight and prefer lightly filtered sunlight throughout the day. If you leave them out in the sun for around 1 or 2 hours that should suffice their growth requirement.

Water: Do not overwater these beauties and thus getting them a thorough run down every week is probably a good idea.

Temperature: These plants will enjoy some time outside in warmer months; however, if your home is well ventilated with brightness, they will survive just fine.

40. Ponytail Palm (Beaucarnea Recurvata)

This gorgeous variety of palm has flowing and slender green leaves, rendering it the look of a ponytail tied up on a kid’s head. It has a bulbous trunk that is used to store water, making it apt as an indoor plant collection.

As a lazy gardener or a novice one, this is absolutely perfect to grow. They do not require too much maintenance and look gorgeous. Ponytail Palms are succulent species of plants i.e. they can store water in their roots and trunks for a long time. This makes it easy to tend to.

Instructions for growing a Ponytail Palm indoors:

Light: They will do absolutely fine with partially bright sunlight for a certain period of the day. If you have drastic weather conditions, it is best to keep in bright light for half the year and in low or less light in the other half.

Water: As we said, it is a succulent plant species hence you do not need to water them every day. Once or twice a week is fine as long as the topsoil is not completely dry. They store water within, making them thrive in little water as well.

Temperature:They like semi-arid weather conditions and do well in summer months. They can survive the winters without or with little sunlight.

41. Begonia (Begonia Semperflorens)


They are wonderfully easy to grow and look absolutely gorgeous in your garden or even indoors. Plant them in small pots or long ones, they thrive with proper care and soil treatment. There are more than 1700 species of Begonias that are known to be in existence.

Begonias add to the charm of your home with their colorful flowers and beautiful short leaves. If you are looking at adding some flowering varieties to your home, this is definitely worth the investment.

Instructions for growing Begonias indoors:

Light: They will grow really well in partially lit up spaces. Direct sunlight does not work well with them. Keep them in spaces where you receive partial sunlight, but avoid keeping your indoor plants near hot glass windows.

Water: They do not like too much water and it is better to have a well-drained soil for your Begonias to thrive. Once they begin to bloom, you can always use them to decorate your home.

Temperature: Your Begonias need just partially lit up spaces that do have direct sunlight coming right on top of them. They will grow well within controlled home environments.

It’s an accepted fact that we live in concrete urban jungles where fresh air and greenery are hard to find.

Plus you also need to factor in that our urban homes are gas swamps! You wonder why? Apart from polluted air coming in through open windows, consider the collection of gases swirling INSIDE the house; ammonia from those toilet cleaners promising to spruce up our bathrooms. Or piled up garbage spewing formaldehyde because the municipality workers went on strike! Not to forget the carbon dioxide issued forth from our LPG stoves and the benzene vented out by our washing powders and detergents.

Is it any wonder then, if you have itchy eyes or skin, or seem to suffer from allergy attacks and common colds all the time?

However, if you have given up trying to fix these issues with an outdoor garden patch because you live in an apartment and are short of space, then it’s time for you to think again! Get one of the above indoor plants that help purify indoor air and yet are very easy to maintain and care for.

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